Monday, February 15, 2010

Cullen's Crew Causes Headaches Again

So OCTranspo is at it again with these articulated busses, which, as we already know, are useless in the winter. Since the city hall here in Ottawa seems unable to negotiate and come up with a non-brain-dead solution for transit, we must rely on the crappy overpriced bus service that is in place. The City cannot even ensure we get working busses and Alex Cullen, as the city's representative on public transit, should shoulder the blame for the ineptitude of this service.

We need decent public transit. This means providing the highest quality service possible at the lowest price possible. I, and many others, beleive that we are paying too much for an inadequate service. It seems like everytime you open the newspaper its always 'service reductions' or 'service changes' which means service reductions. I honestly don't think we can have the entire city managed the way OCTranspo is currently being managed.

The Problem in Question

So the latest problem here was pretty tame as compared to busses buried in snow. A few service reductions on the major routes over a relatively calm period at no cost to the City is pretty much the optimal solution for repairing cracked engine mounts. The issue here is why the engine mounts are cracked in the first place.

Maybe they could have spent the effort making this instead on finding us some quality busses. We're paying like three bucks a trip anyways.

Let me know what you think. Follow this blog and if there's enough support maybe we can get some real journalism up in here.


  1. Real journalism is unbiased. This blog, as it states in the header, is highly biased against all things Alex Cullen. Don't know why but because your intent is to provide highly charged and biased info, it will never be considered real journalism.

    Also, I don't see any reference to anything Alex Cullen has done in your last post. Are you suggesting that because he is head of the transportation committee that he is responsible for everything OC Transpo does? I hope not because that would be very unfair. But it does make a good case for removing OC Transpo from city operations like they have done with the TTC in Toronto.

    By the way, I firmly believe that it is because of BS websites like this that promote unsubstantiated propaganda that we end up with the politicians we do. You are doing a diservice to our democratic system. If you want to be a real journalist, start by sticking to the facts.

  2. The engine linkages were a manufacturer's defect and are being covered under warranty.

    Articulated buses aren't "useless in winter"; there was a problem with the limiters that became apparent after a snowstorm in 2005, which was since repaired. Most winter days don't have that much snow.

    There are problems with OC Transpo, there are problems with Alex Cullen, and even problems with the articulated buses, but your post doesn't accurately describe any of them.

    - RG>
