Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Cullen Supports Ludicrous 'Living Wage'

Currently, contract employees for the City of Ottawa make minimum wage. The minimum wage currently appears to be $9.50/hr. Alex Cullen supports a move to increase minimum wage to what he is calling a 'living wage' of $13.50/hr.

I don't see what justifies this 42% pay increase. Who is going to pay for this 42% pay increase. Cullen is already pushing for or getting:

- A tax hike for residents (~4%)
- A transit fare hike on March 1st (~7.5%)

Combine this with the new HST rip-off that is coming into effect that will essentially be increasing costs across the board.

What about people who live smart and within their means? Who's going to help them out? And just how bad is $9.50/hr? These people surely won't be living on the street. I don't see why they need subsidization at the expense of the taxpayer.

Alex Cullen repeatedly shows a lack of care and respect towards the city taxpayers. Why would we want someone to shows such blatant disregard for us to represent us as Mayor?

Maybe Cullen is trying to get votes from the city's contract workers!

Check this Link out for more information.

1 comment:

  1. Ottawa has one of the highest costs of living in Ontario. Stop perpetuating the propagandist myth that anyone can live with less and less money if they 'live smart and within their means'--Do the math and see for yourself how much it costs to live in Ottawa, and compare how much someone gets working full-time on minimum wage.

    The minimum wage is provincially mandated, which means it is the minimum amount across the province. While one could conceivably say that someone on welfare should move somewhere cheaper, if you are working full-time at minimum wage in Ottawa, you should be able to afford to live in Ottawa. Those who don't have to depend on various services (mostly paid for through municipal property taxes) to make ends meet.

    With a Living Wage policy, the City of Ottawa would lead by example by making sure that the people gainfully employed with their money aren't being kept in poverty.

    - RG>
